Current Signup Links
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Want more info about one of our listed programs? Don’t hesitate to reach out directly to us
Small groups of mentor-led
learning, debating, &
discussing of interesting and
relatable Jewish topics.
Always accompanied by
delicious food
- Shabbat
We host weekly Shabbat dinners for students and YPs in the heart of Herzliya. Unwind at the end of a long week with great people and delicious food, in an inspirational and accepting atmosphere.
- Viaje a España
Conoce a otros participantes de distintos paÃses de latinoamérica y viaja con nosotros a España. ¡¡¡Subsidio del viaje de un 70%!!!
- Shabat Con OLAMI
¿Latino? Ven a vivir una experiencia única de Shabat con nosotros.  Sumate a Rav Shimon, Rav Eliahu y Rav Shlomo y sus familias en el Centro de OLAMI!